& Cie
Welcome to all in this Club dedicated to all fans of crime fiction, the medieval period, the world of writing in general with bonus topics on entrepreneurship.
In order to introduce you to the site, Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick Dr. Watson have kindly responded to the challenge proposed by Club Sherlock, St Louis and Cie: participate in a small survey.
To carry it out, they set out to walk around the crime scene: the "Sherlock Club, St Louis Cie", and search tabs for the answer to this question:
- What is this little extra that makes Club Sherlock, St Louis and Cie a true international stroll, a passage through the ages and a rewarding place at every level?
Suffice to say that their investigation was as always well conducted and the solution found most surprising:
Yes! You too had guessed right! the English version is not the correct translation of the French version, not all of it.
Club Sherlock, St Louis and Cie has the distinction of being a double site!
In fact, while strolling here and there on the site, you will be able to read articles in French which you will find then translated into English, but also international articles left in their language of origin thus allowing to draw ideas, and enrich knowledge of any
Thank you to Mr. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson for playing the game.
Very good visit to all.
Get to know you!
Club Sherlock, St Louis & Cie offers the possibility.
Registration at Sherlock Club, St Louis & Cie is free

Writer to follow absolutely:
Ritu won the Colorado Gold Award for the first in the Chief Inspector Gray James Murder Mystery Series, His Hand In the Storm. It had 50,000 downloads in its first month and continues to go strong. The book was also a Daphne du Maurier Suspense finalist. Both Book 1 (His Hand In the Storm) and Book 2 (Kill Me Why) are Amazon Bestsellers.
A man copes any way he can after killing his only son.
His team believes he’s calm and Zen. His boss finds him obsessive. Suspects think him gorgeous but dangerous. They’re all right. Chief Inspector Gray James is sculpting the remembered likeness of his small son when he receives the call – a faceless corpse is found hanging by the choppy river, swirls of snow and sand rolling like tumbleweeds.
Montreal glitters: the cobbled streets slippery with ice, and the mighty St. Lawrence jetting eastward past the city. One by one, someone is killing the founders of a booming medical tech startup – propelling Gray into a downward spiral that shatters his hard-earned peace, that risks his very life, that threatens to force him to care and face what he has shunned all along: his hand in the storm.
Something is brewing in the quaint and peaceful coastal town of Searock – edged between the Pacific Ocean and the Rocky Mountains near Vancouver. The town of Chief Inspector Gray James’s youth and where it all began – where he had a hand in his son’s death. But healing has to wait because THE STITCHER is back after a fifteen-year absence. And the victim – lips sutured shut with medical nylon – is found lying spread-eagled in a nearby Body Farm. With threats launched against Gray’s family, he must solve the case before a storm blasts the village, before his estranged wife takes from him what matters most, before his most guarded secret is finally revealed.
Club Sherlock, St Louis et Cie offers you an advertising space in its international directory: printers, booksellers, proofreaders, coaches and literary agents, cartoonists - illustrators, translators, writers, shops with themes of the Club, business strategy advisers, houses editions, ... to register, see the conditions for Professionals and legal notices and Cvg located at the bottom of the site. (DIRECTORY UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

Your chronicles
Kaleidoscope of the most beautiful bookstores in the world - n ° 1
Club Sherlock, St Louis et Cie
It is with great pleasure that I present to you today magnificent international bookshops that have bewitched me. One step, then two, I imagine going into each of them. Breathe that particular smell they have when we go through their doors. It is above all the atmosphere that overwhelms me, envelops me, all these authors who speak to me and make me want to buy each of their works, to possess them jealously, to imbibe me of what they contain until more thirsty that's what I wish you after reading each article....
My 10 favorite international sites on entrepreneurship.
Club Sherlock, St Louis et Cie
I recently told you about our double international page - "Tips for Writer" in which I hope you have drawn some good advice to advance in the writing of your novel.
Today, I'm going to talk about a different subject.
This is our professional directory. To be more precise, the double page "Business".

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Your writing tips
The Himalayan writing retreat - India
The Himalayan writing retreat
Ffnd the article on Writers' Residences by following the link below
We are Asia's first and only writing destination.You can either choose to stay solo or participate in one of our residential workshops or retreats. The workshops are intense 4-day learning events. The retreats are 10 day long events popular with writers from around the world.
Chronicle "Middle Age" - British Library
England and France beyond the Conquest: 800 medieval manuscripts now online reveal a world of beauty
Inside the site you can access ancient, medieval, modern, and contemporary manuscript and archive material from around the world. Our collections include historical, literary, political, scientific, and religious papers as well as maps, charters, seals, rolls, and papyri.
Chronicle "Tips for writing a novel - by Lisa Hall Wilson
About Lisa Hall Wilson
Find these articles in our blog by following the link below
I’m a national award-winning journalist and author, and I mentor writers. Fascinated by monsters in the dark and the supernatural, I blend those elements into my stories along with my passion for history, fantasy, romance, and faith...
Resources for writers
What to make you happy or make you happy
The Literary Gift Company - UK
The Literary Gift Company
We offer a hand-picked selection of gifts for bibilophiles, including clothing, jewellery, homeware, reading accessories, games, stationery and much much more. With over a thousand literary products to choose from, you’re guaranteed to find the perfect gift...
Aloria Mittelalder - Germany
Medieval shop
The shop offers over 100 square meters. You have the opportunity to try dresses, search the jewels, chat with us and capture the unique atmosphere of a medieval shop. Of course, it is possible on site to cost the best mead or to repair. Take a chance when you are near Magdeburg and visit our store.
UncommonGoods - Usa
We partner with non-profit organizations through our Better to Give program. With every purchase you make, we're proud to donate $1 to a partner of your choice.Through our Better to Give program, we've helped support worthy organizations including American Forests, International Rescue Committee, RAINN, and 826 National.

Italie - Venise : Acqua Alta
Portugal - Porto : Livraria Lello
A big thank you to Caroline Cornet who designed the Club Sherlock logo, St Louis et Cie. You can reach her at the following address: carolinecornet2@gmail.com