All the lists of Christmas gifts for writers are good at highlighting unique and fun (and sometimes useless) gift ideas. But the truth is: writers are easy to buy for. Just wrap up a bunch of books. Almost any book will do, but if you’re wanting to get specific (for yourself or a writer on your list), here are what I currently consider the 10 best books to buy a writer for Christmas.
Over the years, I have read more writing-craft books than I can count, which means I’m undoubtedly leaving a few gems off the following list. But these 10 are the ones I remember. They’re ones that were formative in my own understanding of the craft and/or deeply inspiring. They all get an unabashed five stars from me. If you or another writer you know hasn’t read them yet, now’s the time to pop them onto your last-minute Christmas list.
10 Best Books Books to Buy a Writer for Christmas
They follow in alphabetical order. (Please note these are affiliate links.)
1. The Anatomy of Story by John Truby

This book was one of the first that truly shaped my understanding of story theory. It is complex and deep with insight. Although it is intended for screenwriters, it offers just as much to novelists. I suppose it’s been around long enough now to almost be considered a classic—and I do.
2. The Emotional Craft of Fiction by Donald Maass

After reading this last year, every time I see the cover somewhere I want to stand up and cheer. It is full of practical, hands-on advice (as Maass’s books always are) for crafting deep and emotionally resonant fiction. More than that, it is a rousing rallying cry to substantial fiction. (I talked about my gleanings from it in this post.)
3. Light the Dark edited by Joe Fassler

This is an anthology of essays from a number of notable writers, all of whom specifically address their own writing inspirations. As you would think, it is inspirational. To hear so many great writers discoursing on the power and meaning (and sometimes difficulty) of writing fiction feels both exciting and encouraging. (After reading it, I posted about this book quite a bit here and here and here and here and here and here.)
For reading more, visit : https://www.helpingwritersbecomeauthors.com
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