In these last few weeks, writers everywhere have experienced major changes in their daily schedules. If you were used to writing from home, now you may be accustoming yourself to writing with kids or other loved ones in the next room. If you were used to squeezing writing in around the edges of a day job, then you may now be making use of your at-home time to at least temporarily live the life of a full-time writer.
Even if the only change you’re experiencing is the distraction and stress of the news, you may (like me) be figuring out solutions for some of these new challenges of writing from home in these unprecedented times.
The good news about being writers is that we not only have built-in self-entertainment for the duration of the quarantine, we also get to entertain ourselves in ways that are purposeful to ourselves, meaningful to others, and perhaps even eventually profitable. The less-good news is that writing from home—amazing opportunity that it is—can be challenging even at the best of times.
Just in case you’re trying to figure out a new schedule for your days, or perhaps just struggling with getting your head back in the game (I hear ya!), today I wanted to share some of the top solutions I’ve learned during my years as a full-time writer. The last year, in particular, challenged me and stretched me in ways I’m now profoundly grateful for, since I was able to learn and implement some crucial habits that are now helping me cope with Life in the Time of Coronavirus (the title of my next book—JK!).
8 Tips for Successfully Writing From Home
Even though the global situation is hardly ideal, this is still a time during which an incredible number of people will be given the opportunity to experiment with the dream of being a Full-Time Writer. Maybe you’ve already tapped in to some of the awesome parts of this. But particularly in light of the stress and uncertainty we’re all facing, I’m betting you’ve also probably already found yourself neck deep in some of the more challenging bits.
Let me start by saying there’s a time and a place for lying on the couch and processing how the world and our lives have changed so rapidly. Self-care should be a priority for all of us—and writing may not be at the top of your self-care list. If that’s so, don’t beat yourself up. We’re all under enough pressure as it is right now. It is love that drives out fear, and that starts with loving ourselves.