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Archetypal Character Arcs, Pt. 22: How to Use Archetypal Character Arcs in Your Stories



And so we find ourselves (almost) at the end of a nearly six-month journey through the possibilities of archetypal character arcs. If you’ve stuck with me through what is by far the longest series I have ever shared, then I hope, like me, you are enthralled and excited by the possibilities that archetypes offer for bringing depth, resonance, and, yes, structure to your stories.

But now what? Now that you’ve studied the six possible Positive Change Arcs within the archetypal life cycle, as well as the possible shadow devolutions and Flat resting periods, what do you do now? How can you apply these archetypal character arcs in a practical way to your own stories?

As with all of story theory, just by learning about archetypes, you have already osmotically collected tools and references that will likely show up naturally in your writing. Indeed, learning the specifics of archetypes only enhances what is already instinctive, since this intuitive understanding is the entire essence and point of archetype. From there, you can, of course, use these archetypes and their arcs to actively plan, plot, and write your stories. The structural beat sheets I provided for each of the Positive-Change “journeys” are a good place to get started if you’re wanting to apply any particular arc to your protagonist.

Today, let’s unofficially close out this series with a short discussion of the more practical side of applying archetypal character arcs to your stories. (Next week, we’ll officially end the series with a “master” summation post, listing the various comparative points of all the arcs and archetypes, so you can use it as an easy reference tool.)

Finding Your Own Character Archetypes

First of all, let me encourage you to make these archetypes your own. Don’t just take my word or the word of the many authors referenced in this series. Archetypes are resonant less because we mentally recognize them and more because we feel them. When we encounter a true archetype (or even just a subjective personal archetype), we feel the resonance deep within us.

When you experience this feeling, pay attention. You’ve almost certainly found something that matters to you and your life, and therefore probably something you should write about.

It’s important to realize that archetypes are not necessarily fixed. The system I’ve presented in this series—as one I personally resonate with—is not the only system. There are many more archetypes than the ones I’ve discussed here. Want a Trickster in your story, or a Femme Fatale, or a Warrior? These archetypes can be explored in their own specificity and mined for equally exciting and important stories.

If this discussion of archetypes has connected with you, then I highly recommend exploring the many books I’ve referenced throughout the series. A few are written specifically for writers; most are not. Most are written for people who are interested in the human experience and in finding leverage points in their own personal development. None of these books present the life-arc system exactly as I have, and almost all of them offer explorations of many different kinds of archetypes.

Here is a quick list of most of the books I’ve enjoyed on the subject (with affiliate links):

  • The Hero With a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell

  • The Heroine’s Journey by Gail Carringer


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