This post (as the final one in our series) is intended as an easy reference that lists comparisons of the archetypal Positive-Change Arcs, so you can see them all in one place. Each of the individual posts on the specific archetypes does, of course, go into much more depth and offers much more information. But this post should provide a handy overview, both to give you a zoomed-out look at the entire life cycle of character arcs, but also for use as a tool when you’re trying to decide which archetype a character might be or which archetype is best suited to your particular story needs.
Remember: the arcs are not about becoming the central archetypes, but rather reaching apotheosis and transitioning out of the height of that archetype’s power into Death/Rebirth.
Overview of All Archetypes in the Life Cycle of Archetypal Character Arcs
Beginning “Flat” Archetype: Child
Shadows: Damsel (passive); Vixen (aggressive)
Subsequent “Flat” Archetype: Lover
Shadows: Coward (passive); Bully (aggressive)
Subsequent “Flat” Archetype: Parent
Subsequent “Flat” Archetype: Ruler
Subsequent “Flat” Archetype: Elder
Shadows: Hermit (passive); Witch (aggressive)
Subsequent “Flat” Archetype: Mentor

By Sydney Watkins.
Story Type for Each Archetype
Maiden: An Initiation
Hero: A Quest
Queen: A Battle
King: An Awakening
Crone: A Pilgrimage
Mage: A Mission
Arc for Each Archetype
Maiden Arc: Innocent to Individual (moves from Protected World to Real World)
Hero Arc: Individual to Protector (moves from Normal World to Adventure World)
Queen Arc: Protector to Leader (moves from Domestic World to Monarchic World)
King Arc: Leader to Elder (moves from Regal World to Preternatural World)
Crone Arc: Elder to Sage (moves from Uncanny World to Underworld)
Mage Arc: Sage to Saint (moves Liminal World to Yonder World)
Symbolic Settings for Each Archetype
Maiden: Home
Hero: Village
Queen: Kingdom (Hearth)
King: Empire (Palace)
Crone: Hut (Underworld)
Mage: Cosmos
Thematic Lie vs. Truth for Each Archetype
Maiden: Submission vs. Sovereignty.
“Submission to authority figures is necessary for survival.” versus “Personal sovereignty is necessary for growth and survival.”
Hero: Complacency and/or Recklessness vs. Courage
“My actions are insignificant in the overall scope of the world.” versus “All my actions affect those I love.”
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