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How to Write Character Arcs by K. M. Weiland - Usa


Dernière mise à jour : 4 sept. 2019

Think it’s enough to write a great character? Think again. If you’re going to write a story worthy of your amazing character, the first thing you have to do is learn how to write character arcs that resonate with your readers and leave them gasping, cheering, or crying. Or all three! “How to write character arcs?” isn’t just any old question for a writer. It’s one of the questions. Master the tenets of positive change arcs, flat arcs, and negative change arcs, and you’ll be able to write any story with confidence and skill.

Figuring out how to write character arcs takes your understanding of story far beyond that of just a character changing over the course the story. It will take you beyond even the all-important foundation of story structure to the core principles of story theory (not familiar with story structure yet? Click here to read this series first.

Character evolution is at the heart of any good story. Whether it’s the protagonist doing the changing, or whether he’s changing the world around him, character arcs are ultimately the whole point of fiction. The change–the journey from one spiritual/emotional/intellectual place to another–is the story of humanity. As an author your primary job is learning how those fundamental changes work in real life, and how you can then present them in your fiction with enough realism to connect with your readers.

In my How to Write Character Arcs series, you’ll learn:

How to write a positive change arcHow to write a negative change arcHow to write a flat arcWhat to do if your character has no arcHow to align the structure of your character arcs with that of your plot

Gaining an understanding of how to write character arcs is a game-changing moment in any author’s pursuit of the craft. Learn how to take your stories from good to great and bring your characters to unforgettable and realistic life!

How to Write a Positive Change Character Arc

What if there were a surefire secret to creating stunning character arcs? Would you be interested in discovering it? If you care about connecting with readers, grabbing hold of their emotions, and creating stories that will resonate with them on a level deeper than mere entertainment, then the answer has to be a resounding yes!

The Change Arc is all about the Lie Your Character Believes. His life may be horrible, or his life may seem pretty great. But, festering under the surface, is the Lie.

The Lie plays out in your character’s life, and your story, through the conflict between the Thing He Needs (the Truth) and the Thing He Wants (the perceived cure for the symptoms of the Lie).

If there’s one solid rule in fiction, it’s that every effect must have a cause. If your character is in need of undergoing a change arc, then one of your first tasks is figuring out why he needs to change. What happened to him to cause him to embrace this obviously damaging Lie?

First impressions do count. And your protagonist’s Characteristic Moment is his first chance to impress your readers. In short, a failed Characteristic Moment can very likely mean a failed story.

In a story, the Normal World will play an important role in the first quarter of your story—the First Act. This entire segment can basically be summarized as “set-up,” and the Normal World plays a vital role in grounding the story in a concrete setting. Even more important, the Normal World creates the standard against which all the personal and plot changes to come will be measured.

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