As you will understand, in this article today, there will be talk of writers' residences around the world. I applied myself believe me to select a superb panorama of residences where writing is the undisputed queen.
But first of all, let's answer this question:
what exactly is a writers' residency ?
What could be better then than to get closer to the Maison des écrivains - MEL (France) - to give us an exact definition:
Most often, authors' residences offer a work space favorable to creation with a place of reception and a duration of stay within the cultural structure or its surroundings. Individual or collective, these residences are accompanied by a purse or offer at least a gracious lodging. They generally include a project of creation, with or without a text command and, frequently, a project of cultural action with meetings, workshops, etc. Some are sustainable, often established in unique and heritage sites, others are punctual, initiated in particular by local communities. Finally, some residences do not offer a place of welcome but agree as an approach associating an author and a place through a project.
Here you know everything, so I'll let you enjoy this first slideshow of incredible international sites that will undoubtedly give you the desire to go there.
French sites
1 - Belgium - Bruxelles :
"Passa Porta"
Passa Porta, International House of Literatures of Brussels, is a unique and multilingual meeting place. Readers and curious exchanged with Belgian and international authors. These, like their translators, are given the opportunity to share with the public and / or a workspace. Every two years, the Passa Porta Festival celebrates Brussels as a literary city with the arrival of hundreds of writers and artists from around the world.

2 - Residences - Fondation Jan Michalski
The Foundation proposes an original set of seven housing modules intended to accommodate writers and translators in residence for stays of varying duration. Suspended from the open canopy sheltering the Foundation, these dwellings, called "huts", offer the ideal conditions for anyone wishing to start, continue or finalize a writing project.
Deliberately open to any type of writing, the residences primarily welcome writers and translators but remain accessible to other disciplines where writing would be at the center of the project. Stays can be done individually or in pairs.
As in 2019, a percentage of residencies will be reserved in 2020 for nature writing, a form of fiction or non-fiction that raises awareness of nature, prepares for a sustainable lifestyle, and helps to understand in a deep way the social interconnections -environmental and the consequences of human actions on nature.
Applications for residences 2020 are open until September 15, 2019, forms are available in the section "Becoming a resident" .-

3 - Writing residences of the Ledig-Rowohlt Foundation
The writing residences of the Ledig-Rowohlt Foundation are held from May to September. The Château de Lavigny welcomes a maximum of six authors per session. These last for four weeks. Residents enjoy a private room with desk, access to all common areas of the castle and garden. These stays include full board. A public reading in which writers in residence present and read an excerpt of their work is organized for each session.

4 - Residence of author 2019-2020, House Julien Gracq (49)
Since 2014, her restored house has been home to authors, artists, artists and researchers in creative residencies.
Are concerned all the artistic disciplines, all the literary genres and all the domains of the knowledge. The candidates must have published a minimum book on account of publisher. The authors must write in French language (without necessity that it is native language).
Residence arrangements
Long-term residences with a purse
On presentation of an artistic and cultural project. This residence lasts for 2 months (September-November 2019 or March-June 2020).
The literary and artistic project of the author is the main axis of the residence. It must agree with the cultural project of the association. The remuneration is supported by Maison Julien Gracq. The author agrees to be present every day except weekends.

5 - ARIEL (Auteur en Résidence Internationale en Lorraine)
The residence of international author of the University of Lorraine, sponsored by the novelist, filmmaker and academic Philippe Claudel, is launching a call for applications for its second edition which will run from 1 Oct. 2019 to Jan. 31. 2020.
ARIEL (Author in International Residence in Lorraine) sets up each year (autumn semester) a program of associated author, for a period of 3 to 4 months, between the University of Lorraine (host structure), and more specifically the UFR ALL-Nancy and the IUT Nancy-Charlemagne, and a foreign author. ARIEL would ideally alternate between an English-speaking writer (every two years) and a non-English-speaking writer whose writing language is taught at the University of Lorraine and likely to be translated by the students and their teaching staff (ie German, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Arabic).

6 - Residence au centre intermondes
Do you want to apply for a residence at the Intermondes Center? You can apply throughout the year by completing the downloadable application form below and returning it with a curriculum vitae, a portfolio of your previous projects, a presentation folder of the artistic project.
The center intermondes is an international space of artistic residency dedicated to contemporary creation in all its forms (plastic, digital, musical, literary ...). Since its creation in 2003 by sociologist Jean Duvignaud, nearly 350 artists from around the world have been welcomed. The Center Intermondes is committed to supporting these emerging creators in their artistic process by offering work space, material support and professional expertise to support creation, research and mediation. Becoming a privileged space for debates and meetings, it connects these resident artists with the various cultural and educational actors in La Rochelle and, more broadly, those in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, in order to build joint projects and integrate their development process. creation with various audiences. In parallel with this mission of welcome, the Center accompanies artists of the territory in their projects of residence abroad

English sites
We are Asia's first and only writing destination.You can either choose to stay solo or participate in one of our residential workshops or retreats. The workshops are intense 4-day learning events. The retreats are 10 day long events popular with writers from around the world.
Event calendar :
The Himalayan Fiction Writers Retreat
Write in the land of Myths and stories.
Paula Younger leads this retreat, and Chetan Mahajan supports her. Paula is an award-winning teacher and writer from the lighthouse Writers Workshop. To learn more about the retreat, and to apply, click on the Learn More button below.
For questions about travel to India, visit our India FAQs page.
Maximum 10 Participants.
31 Mar - 10 Apr, 2020
The Himalayan Memoir Writers Retreat
Let India inspire your Memoir.
Alex Lemon leads this retreat, and Chetan Mahajan supports him. Alex is the author of two highly acclaimed Memoirs published in the US. Chetan Mahajan's memoir was published by Penguin in India.
For questions about travel to India, visit our India FAQs page.
Maximum 10 Participants.
17 -27 Mar, 2020

8 - Iceland writers retreats - April 29 - May 3, 2020
For the first time in 2020, all workshops, panels and readings will take place at Veröld – House of Vigdís. Veröld is the newest building at the University of Iceland and houses the Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute of Foreign Languages and the International Centre for Multilingualism and Intercultural Understanding.
Registration for the 2020 Iceland Writers Retreat and Iceland Readers Retreat is now open on a first-come first served basis. Please read this page before registering. https://www.icelandwritersretreat.com/2020-registration-details

9 - Residencies for writers and translators - Platform
DutchCulture|TransArtists combines and shares knowledge and experience on artist-in-programmes and other international opportunities for creative professionals to temporarily stay and work elsewhere.
We offer you all about facts, use and value of international artist-in-residence opportunities.
Our tools and services are developed from the artists' perspective.
Our goal is to make the enormous worldwide residential art labyrinth accessible and usable to artists through our website, workshops, AiR collection, research and projects. To do this, we usually cooperate with a wide range of partners in all world regions.
We are part of DutchCulture - Center for International Cooperation, based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

10 - IWP - The university of Iowa
The INTERNATIONAL WRITING PROGRAM (IWP) is the oldest and largest multinational writing residency in the world. With a tradition of excellence that has continued for nearly five decades, the IWP annually brings outstanding authors from every continent to the University of Iowa (UI), a major American research institution internationally renowned for its writing programs. Since 1967, over 1,500 writers from more than 150 nations have taken part in the IWP’s Fall Residency. The goal of the IWP is to provide authors a one-of-a-kind inter-cultural opportunity and the time and space to write, read, translate, study, conduct research, travel, give readings, stage work, and become part of the vibrant literary and academic community at the university and in Iowa City, the only American city designated as a UNESCO City of Literature, in part because of the IWP’s presence.

11 - HDC - High desert center
Five weeks to write your heart out
Plus, enjoy a tight-knit community, opportunities to dance, cook, and explore Colorado’s great outdoors.
Live in community. Write every day. Revel in freedom. Share your work in a feedback groups. Stare at the mountains. Participate in writing workshops.
Learn partner dance from amazing teachers. Go feed the chickens. Join in on a fitness workout. Sleep under the stars. Climb mountains. Make lifelong friends. Bake bread. Practice survival skills. Be super silly and super stoked. Share your skills.
By the campfire. The 20 foot hammock. At a coffee shop. In your bed. In a field overlooking the mountains. At the park. Among the neighbors' goats. In the outdoor kitchen. Above the swimming hole. At the river.

12 - The Kerouac project
The application/submission period for 2020-2021 Residences opens january 1, 2020
About the Residencies
The Kerouac Project provides four residencies a year to writers of any stripe or age, living anywhere in the world. In the past we have accepted writers with no formal writing education alongside those with MFA’s and impressive résumés. You will be judged on the quality of the writing sample you submit. Each residency consists of approximately a three month stay in the cottage where Jack Kerouac wrote his novel Dharma Bums. Utilities and a food stipend of $1,000 are included. As writer-in-residence, all you are required to do is live in the Kerouac House during your residency, work on your writing project, and participate in two events—a Welcome Potluck dinner for you, and a Final Reading of your work at the Kerouac House at the end of your residency. The Kerouac Project can also offer opportunities for you to participate in other readings, lead workshops, and interact in other ways with the vibrant Central Florida literary community.
