Where to Begin Writing Your Book? This is the question many newbies ask.
Welcome to the world of writing!
It’s an amazing adventure. Honestly, it’s my passion. With writing, you can BE whatever you want. You can create your whole world, in a way that you control it entirely. You can live your wildest adventures, explore the seas. Don’t you like the way a book ended? You can create your own now, end it the way you wish. You can come up with the characters that you wish existed! The most unimaginable situations. It’s a way of having a voice, passing your message across the world. It’s literally an endless world of possibilities, that can also make your rich (yes, there are a lot of rich authors. Yes, there is a lot of INDIE published rich authors!). Also, it’s perfect because you can do it all by yourself. Of course you can hire an editor later on, but, now, in the beginning, it is all on you!
Where to Begin Writing Your Book? This can be terrifying at first. To think that you will be able to write a complete story for start to end, one that makes sense and people love.
Let me tell you now: you will! You will do it.
It only takes practice. And that you love your story enough that you’re willing to spend a lot of time working on it. It will be a lot of pain, but, let me tell you:
Holding your book in your hands is a dream come true. Even if you don’t sell one copy, even if you only sell to your mom (if you listen to me, this won’t happen, but even so). You did it. You wrote a book. This is THE DREAM of millions of people.
I can tell you that the day I held my book for the first time was one of the best days of my life.
You can watch it here if you want:
I was SHOCKED. I couldn’t believe it. It is really a dream come true.
But I do think I’m rambling now. Let’s get to the beginning. It’s your first time adventuring for these seas of writing.
What will you need?
This is REALLY The Ultime Guide for Beginners
1. Where to Begin Writing Your Book? Inspiration, an idea: how to get it – Exercise
“It was all started by a mouse”, Walt Disney
It all starts with an idea. Something appears in your mind and then you can’t stop thinking about that. Sometimes, this process takes us years. I’ve heard several times of people wanting to write a book for 20+ years but never got into it. However, the idea was there. Lurking. Waiting for it to be told to the world.
If that’s your case, then, problem solved.
However, sometimes, we know a general theme that we would like to write about, but we don’t know properly what to do with it.
In other times, we just don’t know what it should be about. We have no idea.
There’s an exercise for you to help inspiration grow. I call it Observe and Mix.
Here’s what you have to do:
1. Right now, get a piece of paper and list things that you are seeing in your room. In my case, there’s a plant in front of me right now. My mom is Catholic, so I see some images behind the plant as well. You don’t have to be very descriptive.
2. You will mix these two elements in the most bizarre way that you can. I just thought here: what if this plant was sacred? Anyone that ate it would become an angel (without dying). My dog is in my room as well, so I immediately thought: a dog would eat this plant.
3. Write it down this crazy mix that you come up with.
4. Try to add the thing that you love the most in your life to the mixture.
I say this enough, but let me say it again, when you write about THE TOPIC that you can’t shut up about, that you think at least once every day, that your friends roll their eyes when you begin, you WILL BE ABLE TO FINISH THIS BOOK because you will be able to talk about this for 200+ pages. It has to be The Topic, not any topic. And it doesn’t need to be the central theme of the story, it would help if it was there, around it.
In my case, one of the things that I love most in my life is Disney.
I just thought here: my dog ate this sacred plant and flew away. I find out that the cure is in Disney World’s Adventureland. Disney is now my quest.
5. Do it enough and daydream a bit;
If one of these themes keep coming back to your mind, if you think: this is a cool idea! Then, I think you are ready.