What is a Writer’s Block?
So, you are here because you desperately want to write that story.
You are feeling the calling.
The muse is chanting in your ear.
You dream about writing.
But then you sit down, you open your text creator or you get your piece of paper or your writing machine (if you are from the good old days) and… nothing. Blank.
Or maybe you keep re-reading the last paragraph you wrote days ago because you can’t get anywhere new.
If it is a new story, you might have a general idea. You might want to write about something you saw happening at the shopping mall last Tuesday or maybe your brother just screamed at his computer and you wanted to write about anger issues…
Or maybe you have NO IDEA AT ALL on what to write or how to keep going.
Anyway, you simply can’t do it. You are having a writer’s block!
A writer’s block is a time when a writer, who is supposed to WRITE, simply can’t do it.
Believe me, this has happened to EVERY writer before.